Hazardous Waste
The STI Series 2000™ Medical Waste Treatment System

The STI Series 2000™ Medical Waste Treatment System

Since its launch in 1995, STI 2000 products have operated under the most rigorous conditions in 24/7 commercial treatment facilities worldwide.
Lowest operating cost in the industry.
Reliable efficacy when treating blood canisters or other bulk liquids.
No need to segregate white bag from red bag waste.
Reliability Assures Maximum Return on Investment
Continuous feed improves operating efficiency and avoids batch-type autoclave function.
Available on demand, ready to operate without heat-up time.
No post shredding required.
Integral shredding applies live steam impingement to the homogeneous waste stream. Efficacy does not rely on conduction through bulk liquids (vacuum canisters) or insulated layers of bags or boxes.
Treated waste volume is reduced by up to 90%, producing a lightweight, inexpensive, solid municipal waste, minimal landfill impact and no soil, water or air pollution.
Institutional liability is limited because the point of generation equals the point of treatment.